List of Banks in Netherlands
The Netherlands is a
geographically low-lying country, with about 25% of its area and 21% of
its population located below sea level, and 50% of its land lying
less than one metre above sea level. Significant land area has been
gained through land reclamation and preserved through an elaborate
system of polders and dikes. Much of the Netherlands is formed by the
estuary of three important European rivers, which together with their
distributaries form the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta. Most of the country
is very flat, with the exception of foothills in the far southeast and
several low-hill ranges in the central parts. The BES islands, or
Caribbean Netherlands, became part of the Netherlands proper after the
dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles on 10 October 2010.
List of banks in Netherlands
1.Aareal Bank
2.ABN AMRO Dutch
ABN AMRO Global Transaction Services
ABN AMRO English
ABN AMRO Private Banking
4.AMEV Hypotheekbedrijf N.V.
AMEV Beleggingsconsortium mij voor beleggen en verzekeren
AMEV Praktijkvoorziening N.V.
Argenta Spaarbank NV
6.Asahi Bank (Nederland) NV
8.AVCB Bank N.V.
9.Banco do Brasil SA
10.Banco Exterior - Nederland N.V.
11.Bank Insinger de Beaufort N.V.
12.Bank Mees & Hope N.V.
13.Bank Mendes Gans NV
14.Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten
15.Bank of America NT & SA
16.Bank of Scotland Corporate
17.Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (Holland) N.V.
18.Bank van Haften Labouchere NV
19.Bank voor de Bouwnijverheid, NV
20.Bank voor Zeeland NV
21.Banque Artesia Nederland
22.Banque Artesia Nederland
23.Banque de Suez Ned. NV
24.Banque Paribas Nederland NV
25.Barclays Bank PLC.
27.C D K Bank
28.Canada Trust Bank N.V.
29.CenE Bankiers
30.Chang Hwa Commercial Bank Ltd
31.Chiao Tung Bank Europe N.V.
32.Citco Bank Nederland N.V.
33.Citibank NA
34.Commerzbank (Nederland) NV
35.Consortium Helveticum B.V.
36.Crediet- en Effectenbank NV
37.Credit Lyonnais Bank Nederland NV
38.Credit Suisse
39.CVB Bank N.V.
40.Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank Ned. NV
41.Daiwa Europe NV
42.De Factors BV, Internationaal Factors
43.De Hollandsche Bank-Unie NV
44.De Nationale Investeringsbank
45.De Nederlandsche Bank
46.Delta Lloyd Bank NV
47.Demir-Halk Bank
49.Deutsche Bank België
50.Deutsche Bank de Bary N.V.
51.Deutsche Bank in Nederland
52.Deutsche Hypothekenbank
53.Dexia Bank België
54.Dexia Bank Nederland
56.DNI Inter Asset Bank N.V. Tel: 31/70/342 54 25
57.DSB Bank
58.F. van Lanschot
59.Federale Kas voor het Beroepskrediet - FKBK
60.FGH Bank
61.FMN Finance House
62.Fortis ASR
63.Fortis Bank
64.Fortis Nv
65.Friesland Bank
66.Friesland Bank N.V.
67.Fuji Bank Nederland N.V.
68.geld uit grond investeringskapitaal liquide middelen
69.Generale Bank Eindhoven N.V. Tel:+31 040 2456001
70.Gunma Bank Europe N.V.Tel: +31 20 6760996
72.GWK Bank N.V. Tel +31 020 5690690
73.Hiroshima Bank (Europe) N.V. Tel:+31 020 6629119
74.Hollandse Koopmansbank NV Tel: +31 030 2984444
75.Hypo Real Estate Bank International
76.IDM Bank N.V.
77.Indonesische Overzeese Bank, NV De (The Indonesia
Overseas Bank)Tel: +31 020 5700700
78.ING Bank
79.ING Group head office-Amsterdam
80.ING Private Banking
81.Internationale Nederlanden Bank NV Tel: +31 020 5415411
83.KAS Bank
85.Kempen & Co
86.Kocbank Nederland N.V.
87.Korea Exchange Bank (Branch)
88.Lanschot Bankiers NV, F. van Tel:+31 038 4260101
89.Lentjes & Drossaerts NV Tel: +31 020 6233511
90.Levob bank & verzekeringen
91.Levob Verzekeringen BV Tel: +31 033 4644911
92.Lloyds Bank PLC Tel: +31 020 5249300
93.Lloyds TSB Bank
94.Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch Cie (Nederland) N.v
95.Mees Pierson N.V.Tel: +31 030 2544309
97.MLP Private Finance
98.Morgan Nederland N.V., J.P. Tel:+31 020 6767766
99.Nachenius Tjeenk & Co. N.V
100.Nationale Investeringsbank NV, De Tel:+31 070 3425425
Nederlandse Investeringsbank voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V.
Tel: +31 070 3425425
101.Ned. Fin. Mij voor Ontwik. Landen Tel:+31 070 3149696
102.Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V.
103.Nikko Bank (Nederland) N.V. Tel: +31 020 6623296
104.Nomura Bank Nederland N.V. Tel:+31 020 5496969
105.OHRA Bank N.V. Tel:+31 026 3249510
106.OHRA Group
107.Pierson Heldring & Pierson NV Tel: +31 010 4035800
110.Rabobank Zeddam-Beek Tel:+31 4 65 9595
111.Rijnlandse Hypotheekbank BV Tel:+31 030 2893434
112.Robein Groep
113.Roparco NV
114.Schretlen & Co
115.Schroder Investment Management Nederland NV
116.SNS Bank
117.SNS Regiobank
118.Spaar en Voorschotbank B.A., Coop. Tel:+31 0512 361925
119.Sprangers & v.d. Ende BV Tel:+31 070 3469442
120.St. Bondspaarbanktrust Tel: +31 020 6221066
122.Stolk BV, Kon. Van Tel:+31 010 2650211
123.The Bank of Tokyo Holland NV
124.The Economy Bank NV
125.Thomas Cook Nederland B.V. Tel: +31 020 6965449
126.Tokai Bank Nederland NV Tel:+31 020 6271616
127.Triodos Bank
128.Triodosbank N.V. Tel:+31 030 6916544
129.UBS in Amsterdam
130.Van Lieshout & Partners
131.Veer Palthe Voûte NV
132.Vola, B.V. Financieringsmij Tel:+31 020 5612345
133.Voorschotbank B.A., Coop. Tel: +31 0516 451441
134.VSB Bank N.V. Tel:+31 030 2301301
135.Waterschapsbank N.V., Ned. Tel:+31 070 3514231
136.Westdeutsche Landesbank (Europa) AG Tel: +31 010 4402700
137.Westenburg-Assurantien BV Tel:+31 076 5290290
139.WestLB Representative Office Amsterdam
Commercial Banks in Netherlands
Bank Mendes Gans
Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten
Canada Trust Bank N.V.
CDK Bank
De Nationale Investeringsbank N.V.
Fortis Bank
Friesland Bank
ING Bank Netherlands
ING Barings Bank International
ING Group
Kredietbank (KBC)
OHRA Verzekeringen en Bank Groep B.V.
Rabobank - Rabobank International
SNS Bank
VSB Bank
The Netherlands has
a very strong economy and has been playing a special role in the
European economy for many centuries. Since the 16th century, shipping,
fishing, trade, and banking have been leading sectors of the Dutch
economy. The Netherlands is one of the world's 10 leading exporting
countries. Foodstuffs form the largest industrial sector. Other major
industries include chemicals, metallurgy, machinery, electrical, goods
and tourism. Examples include Unilever, Heineken, financial services (ING),
chemicals (DSM), petroleum refining (Shell), electronical machinery (Philips,
ASML) and car navigation TomTom.
The Netherlands has the 16th largest economy in the world, and ranks 7th
in GDP (nominal) per capita. Between 1998 and 2000 annual economic
growth (GDP) averaged nearly 4%, well above the European average. Growth
slowed considerably from 2001 to 2005 with the global economic slowdown,
but accelerated to 4.1% in the third quarter of 2007. Inflation is 1.3%,
and unemployment is at 4.0% of the labour force. By Eurostat standards,
unemployment in the Netherlands is at 4.1% (April 2010) – the lowest
rate of all European Union member states.[53] The Netherlands also has a
relatively low GINI coefficient of 0.326. Despite ranking only 7th in
GDP per capita, UNICEF ranked the Netherlands 1st in child well-being.[54]
On the Index of Economic Freedom Netherlands is the 13th most free
market capitalist economy out of 157 surveyed countries.
The Netherlands introduced the euro in 1999. It is one of the 17
sovereign states that make up the Eurozone.Amsterdam is the financial
and business capital of the Netherlands.[55] The Amsterdam Stock
Exchange (AEX), part of Euronext, is the world's oldest stock exchange
and is one of Europe's largest bourses. It is situated near Dam Square
in the city's centre. As a founding member of the euro, the Netherlands
replaced (for accounting purposes) its former currency, the "Gulden"
(guilder), on 1 January 1999, along with 15 other adopters of the Euro.
Actual euro coins and banknotes followed on 1 January 2002. One euro was
equivalent to 2.20371 Dutch guilders.
The Netherlands' location gives it prime access to markets in the UK and
Germany, with the port of Rotterdam being the largest port in Europe.
Other important parts of the economy are international trade (Dutch
colonialism started with cooperative private enterprises such as the VOC),
banking and transport. The Netherlands successfully addressed the issue
of public finances and stagnating job growth long before its European
partners. Amsterdam is the 5th busiest tourist destination in Europe
with more than 4.2 million international visitors.[56]
The country continues to be one of the leading European nations for
attracting foreign direct investment and is one of the five largest
investors in the United States. The economy experienced a slowdown in
2005, but in 2006 recovered to the fastest pace in six years on the back
of increased exports and strong investment. The pace of job growth
reached 10-year highs in 2007.The Netherlands moved up from the 11th
position in the Global Competitiveness Index[57] to the 9th position in
One of the largest natural gas fields in the world is situated near
Slochteren. Exploitation of this field resulted in a total revenue of
€159 billion since the mid 1970s. With just over half of the reserves
used up and an expected continued rise in oil prices, the revenues over
the next few decades are expected to be at least that much