Deposit insurance British Isles Offshore






Although many offshore subsidiaries of mostly British-based banks and building societies in the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey offer a parental guarantee for all sums deposited with them, the Crown Dependencies fall outside the jurisdiction of both the United Kingdom's Financial Services Authority guarantee to underwrite the first £50,000 per depositor per bank and the European Economic Area 'passport scheme' that pays a minimum of £16,000 per depositor per bank in the case of a default. In 1991, the Isle of Man introduced a bank depositors' insurance scheme to cover 75 percent of the first £15,000 per depositor per bank, but it was the October 2008 crisis-stricken Icelandic government's seizure of Kaupthing Bank hf in Iceland after the United Kingdom suspended the trading licence of Kaupthing's British subsidiary that compelled a radical revision of deposit insurance in the Isle of Man. Unable to secure reserves held by Kaupthing hf in Iceland or Kaupthing's British subsidiary to facilitate customer withdrawals, Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander (Isle of Man) Ltd. saw its Isle of Man banking licence suspended after operating less than a year, compelling the firm to request to be wound up. The Isle of Man government called an emergency session of the Tynwald parliament which voted unanimously to bring the Isle of Man depositors' compensation scheme into line with the newly-enlarged scheme in the United Kingdom, guaranteeing with immediate effect 100 percent of the first £50,000 per depositor per bank, and studying amendments for the subsequent inclusion within the scheme of corporate and charitable accounts. The Isle of Man government also pressed the Icelandic government to honour Kaupthing hf's irrevocable and binding guarantee of all depositors' funds held by Kaupthing, Singer and Friedlander (Isle of Man) Ltd. In Jersey and Guernsey, deposit insurance schemes for non-residents have yet to be enacted






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