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Offshore Bank in Saint Vincent


An offshore bank is a bank located outside the country of residence of the depositor. It is usually located in a tax haven that provides financial and legal advantages. The main advantages of offshore banks are
•less restrictive legal regulation
•some off-shore banks may operate with a lower cost base and can provide higher interest rates
•off shore banks provide access to politically and economically stable jurisdictions
•interest is generally paid by offshore banks without tax deducted

Offshore Bank Cards (ATM card`s) You can use your offshore Bank card anywhere in the world. If you use it in your country of residence the ATM withdrawals will look like you are a visitor tourist.


Required documents for opening Personal account:

Notarized Copy of Account Holder's and Additional Authorised Cardholder's:   passport or other acceptable ID (the page with photo and signature)

US and Canadian citizens please provide additionally a notarized copy of your Driver's License.

A copy of Utility Bill or Bank Statement as a proof of address for Account Holder and Additional Authorised Cardholder(if any)

Bank References for Account Holder and Additional Authorised Cardholder (if any). No more than 3 months old, directed to Bank`s name or to “whom it may concern”

A password, consisting of not more than 10 Latin characters chosen by you, in a sealed envelope. This password is needed in case you would like to block the Digipass or bankcard.

Tips! Always Read and Sign account opening contracts 


Fees and Charges


You can open multicurrency account, or open subaccounts, so you can exchange between the accounts. Also you can do international wires to other Banks account anywhere in the world. If you only require a Bank card you do not need the Digipass device. Please note that you can request the Digipass device anytime after your Bank ATM Card account is opened.

The account opening fee varies from $200 to $350 depending on the type of bank card and additional services you require.


Contact us to get more details.




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