Austrian Banks




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  List of Banks in Austria

Central Bank:

The Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) is the central bank of the Republic of Austria and, as such, an integral part of both the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the Eurosystem. In the public interest, the OeNB contributes to monetary and economic policy decision making in Austria and in the euro area. In line with the Federal Act on the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (1984 Nationalbank Act – NBG), the OeNB is a stock corporation. Given its status as a central bank, it is, however, governed by a number of special provisions, as laid down in the Nationalbank Act. The OeNB’s capital totals EUR 12 million, 100% of which is held by the federal government.

The main tasks of the OeNB center on contributing to a stability-oriented monetary policy within the Eurosystem, safeguarding financial stability in Austria and supplying the general public and the business community in Austria with high-quality, i.e. counterfeit-proof, cash.  In addition, the OeNB manages reserve assets, i.e. gold and foreign exchange holdings, with a view to backing the euro in times of crisis, draws up economic analyses, compiles statistical data, is active in international organizations and is responsible for payment systems oversight.  Furthermore, the OeNB operates a payment system for the euro, promotes knowledge and understanding among the general public and decision makers owing to its comprehensive communication policy, and supports research in Austria.

Adria Bank
Allianz Investmentbank
American Express Bank Ltd
Anglo Irish Bank (Austria)
Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft (aws)
Banco do Brasil
Bank Austria Creditanstalt
Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg
Bank für Ärzte und Freie Berufe
Bank Gutmann
Bank Sal.Oppenheim jr. & Cie (Österreich)
Bank Vontobel Österreich
Bank Winter & Co
Bankhaus Carl Spängler & Co
Bankhaus Krentschker & Co
Bankhaus Schelhammer & Schattera
BKS Bank
UniCredit CAIB
Capital Bank-GRAWE Gruppe
Capital Bank International-GRAWE Group
Coface Austria Bank
Commerzbank (Schweiz) Private Banking
Commerzialbank Mattersburg im Burgenland
Constantia Privatbank
Deniz Bank
Dexia Kommunalkredit Bank
ecetra Central European e-Finance
European American Investment Bank
GE Money Bank
Generali Bank
Intermarket Bank
Kathrein & Co. Privatgeschäftsbank
Kommunalkredit Depotbank
LGT Bank (Österreich)
Meinl Bank
Österreichische Verkehrskreditbank
Privatinvest Bank
Spar - Finanz - Investitions- und Vermittlungs-AG
Sparda Bank
Vakifbank International
VTB Bank (Austria)
Western Union International Bank
Wiener Privatbank Immobilieninvest
Raiffeisen Zentralbank
Erste Bank
Hypo-Alpe-Adria Bank
Österreichische Volksbank
Bank Burgenland


Facts on Austria and its Banks:

Austrian Banks in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE) – A Long-Term Commitment

  • CESEE is a long-term growth market for bank services and therefore offers good prospects for Austrian banks.
  • Economic developments have been very diverse in CESEE; after 20 years of transformation, the countries do not represent a homogeneous economic region.
  • In the long term, after the end of the current global financial crisis, CESEE will once again be the region with the best growth prospects in Europe. Following average GDP growth of 1.5 % in 2010, the 10 CESEE EU Member States will regain a growth advantage over the euro area countries of 2 to 2.5 percentage points till 2015.
  • Austrian banks’ exposure to CESEE, while significant at EUR 210 billion as at
    March 31, 2010, is regionally well diversified, and the bulk of the credit volume (approximately 92%) is locally financed. As a result, the money market dependence of Austrian banks’ subsidiaries is small.
  • Austrian banks’ total international exposure (142% of GDP) is still low relative to other countries (Swiss banks: 362% of the national GDP), despite its exposure to CESEE countries.
  • Given the strong focus of Austrian banks on the European growth regions in CESEE, they are but marginally exposed to the markets that are currently facing difficult conditions, like Greece (0.9% of Austrian banks’ total international exposure).
  • Sustained high operating earnings levels in CESEE strengthen Austrian banks profitability. At the end of March 2010, the CESEE subsidiaries’ operating result amounted to EUR 1.68 billion.
  • The CESEE portfolio is characterized by traditional banking activities. Accordingly, the CESEE subsidiaries’ net interest income accounts for more than 69% and fee-based income for another 21% of their total operating income.
  • Austrian banks are living up to their responsibility towards CESEE also under the currently difficult circumstances, supporting their local subsidiaries by providing liquidity and equity.
  • The first quarter of 2010 turned out to have been very positive for Austrian banks judging from consolidated periodical profits of EUR 1.5 billion. Furthermore, with Austrian banks’ Tier 1 assets averaging 9.8%, their Tier 1 ratio is more than twice as high as the regulatory minimum requirement.
  • Provisional estimates for 2010 predict a significant improvement of Austrian banks’ (unconsolidated) operating profits. Following net profits of EUR 0.04 billion in 2009, Austrian banks expect to boost their net profits to EUR 2.97 billion in 2010.
  • With up to EUR 65 billion appropriated by the government for bank support measures, Austrian banks are in a position to respond swiftly and flexibly to present and future challenges.
  • The OeNB’s most recent stress test of spring 2010 shows that the state of the Austrian banking system as a whole has improved markedly compared with 2009. At the same time, the greater divergence of individual results has confirmed the need for stepped-up restructuring processes triggered by the crisis.
  • The results of the CEBS stress test conducted on behalf of ECOFIN in 2010 are satisfying for all participating Austrian banks. Even if economic conditions were to tighten radically in Austria and CESEE countries, the Tier 1 capital ratios of Erste Group and Raiffeisen Zentral Bank would still be (almost) twice as high as the regulatory minimum requirement.
  • The massive increase in the funds available for IMF and EU aid and their rapid allocation have had a stabilizing effect on CESEE both as a whole and at the national level – a process that has also been (indirectly) beneficial for Austrian banks.

The Austrian economy is healthy and therefore resistant to shock

  • Austria’s growth and wealth figures are better than the euro area averages. Austrian per capita income in 2009, for instance, exceeded the euro area average by 12.9%.
  • Austria has a diversified economy with a wide range of industries.
  • Current account surpluses (2009: 2.3% of GDP in Austria compared with a euro area current account deficit of 0.6%) confirm Austria’s international competitiveness.
  • Austria’s foreign trade is regionally and structurally well diversified; since the majority of transactions (71.1%) take place with other EU Member States, the exposure to foreign exchange risk is low.
  • Austria is an international net lender and is therefore not dependent on capital imports. In 2009, capital exports totaled EUR 4 billion.
  • Austria’s international investment position, while negative at EUR 27 billion, is sound and keeps improving thanks to its current account surpluses. In 2009 it was 6 percentage points below the average European investment position.
  • The moderate unit labor cost growth of recent years (1.2%) has been instrumental in sustaining Austria’s competitiveness.
  • Low unemployment (4.6 percentage points below the euro area average) and a low frequency of strikes contribute to Austria’s high level of social stability.
  • At 67.1% (2009), Austria’s government debt ratio is low by international standards.
  • Despite expansive fiscal policies, the Austrian government debt ratio is set to remain below the euro area and EU averages in 2010 and 2011. The debt ratio is currently projected to increase to 73% by 2011, which means that it will remain 15.6 percentage points below the euro area average and more than 10 percentage points below the EU average.
  • Austria has a high saving ratio (currently 11.0%), i.e. households have accumulated substantial financial wealth (EUR 440 billion or 160% of GDP).
  • Household debt (88% of net income) and corporate debt (227% of gross operating surplus or 88% of GDP) levels are low by international standards and do not pose a problem.
  • Unlike many other countries, Austria has not experienced a real estate bubble over the past few years. As a result, neither households nor banks are having to bear the repercussions of such a bubble.
  • Austria outperforms the euro area average in most major economic indicators.
  • According to a recent international comparative study, Austria’s innovation performance is above the EU average, which is key to the country’s future economic development.


Source:  Austrian Central Bank


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