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List of Banks in and
A Afghanistan
- Africa -
Albania -
Alderney -Algeria
- Andorra -
Angola -
Argentina - Armenia -
Asia -
Australia -
Austria -
B Bangladesh -
Belarus -
Belgium -
Belize -
Benin -
Bolivia -
Bosnia -
Botswana -
Brasil -
Brunei -
Bulgaria -
Burkina -
Burundi -
C Cambodia -
Cameroon -
Canada -
Cape Verde -
Central African
Republic - Chad -
Chile -
China -
Colombia -
Comoros -
Congo -
Costa Rica -
Croatia -
Cuba -
Cyprus -
Czech Republic
D Denmark -
Djibouti -
Dominica -
E Ecuador -
Egypt -
El Salvador -
Equatorial Guinea -
Eritrea -
Estonia -
Ethiopia -
Falkland Islands - Finland -
France -
French Guinea
G Gabon -
Gambia -
Georgia -
Germany -
Ghana -
Greece -
Greenland -
Grenada -
Guatemala -
Guernsey -
Guinea -
Guinea Bissau
Guyana -
H Haiti -
Honduras -
Hong Kong -
Hungary -
I Iceland -
India -
Indonesia -
Irak -
Iran -
Ireland -
Isle of Man -
Israel -
Italy -
Ivory Coast
J Jamaica -
Japan -
Jersey -
K Kuwait -
Kenya -
Korea -
L Latvia -
Lebanon -
Lesotho -
Liberia -
Libya -
Liechtenstein -
Lithuania -
Luxembourg -
M Macau -
Macedonia -
Madagascar -
Malasia -
Malawi -
Maldives -
Mali -
Malta -
Mauritania -
Mauritius -
Mexico -
Moldova -
Monaco -
Montenegro -
Morocco -
N Namibia -
Nepal -
Netherlands -
Nicaragua -
Niger -
Nigeria -
O Oceania
P Pakistan -
Panama -
Paraguay -
Peru -
Philippines -
Poland -
Q Qatar
R Romania -
Russia -
Rwanda -
S San Marino -
Santo Tome Principe -
Senegal -
Serbia -
Seychelles -
Sierra Leone -
Singapour -
Slovakia -
Slovenia -
Somalia -
South Africa -
Spain -
Sri Lanka -
Sudan -
Suriname -
Swaziland -
Sweden -
Switzerland -
T Taiwan -
Tanzania -
Thailand -
Togo -
Tunisia -
Turkey -
U United Arab Emirate UAE -
Uganda -
Ukraine -
United Kingdom -
United States -
Uruguay -
Uzbekistan -
V Vatican City -
Venezuela -
Y Yemen
Z Zambia -